Starting a blog

Starting a blog seems so antiquated these days. So many platforms allow you to write and make it super easy to share your work. So why would I start a blog?

I’m trying to figure out what I enjoy writing about. I started the year hoping this would be a year of writing for me. But six months later, I’ve struggled to make any meaningful progress towards that goal. As soon as I’d sit and start writing, I’d feel stuck—not because I didn’t have ideas but because I didn’t feel I was writing anything worth publishing. I’d get stuck before I could even get the words on the screen.

I’ve written privately for the last six months. And as helpful as that’s been, writing in isolation makes it hard to grow as a writer, and that’s what I’m after. So I’m setting up this blog to get my words out. I need the reps, and this blog will help me do that in a low-pressure kind of way.

I’m committing myself to write 100 posts. I plan on using this space as a personal and professional writing sandbox, but I have no idea which one I’ll favor at the other end of this.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve read so many books on a wide range of topics. Most recently, I’ve read a lot about digital marketing, growth hacking, and copywriting. I still have a ton to learn, but I want to share what I’ve learned so far. Some of what I write will be about that, but not all.

I also enjoy reading about science and technology. I geek out over things like genetics, physics, psychology and philosophy.

I don’t know if this will ever be anything other than a personal journal, but better people have convinced me that good writing is a sign of good thinking. Can I improve my thinking by improving my writing? I want to find out.

The best way to improve as a writer is to write in public, so here I am. I want to improve my writing because that will help me improve my thinking.

So that’s my first post—only 99 more to go.

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